...It is a dark and stormy night as you cautiously approach the tavern frequented by trolls and other dark creatures. At the risk of your life, you slowly, for fear of being spotted, press your eye closer to the knothole and look in through the ancient oaken plank wall of...

The Troll's Tavern

The trolls have many friends (the likes of the Fir Darrig, Goblins and Spriggans) and none of them nice. This is the darker side of the fay. To fall in league with them is certain trouble and probable death! Few outsiders have lived to tell the tale of this tavern. It is situated on the edge of the Dark Lord's realm and frequented by those who do his bidding. For they are pitted against man, mage,  fairy, and all that is good. It is best for you not to delay here much longer for there  are sure to be vile creatures lurking in the nearby darkness. Those that would have you for the Dark Lord's bounty on spies, or worse, for their own bloodsport!

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