North East PA B2


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Welcome to my Bronco II site!

8041_3a.jpg (60434 bytes) I have a 1988 Bronco II XLT. I purchased it on eBay in September 2007 for $760 and drove it home. It promptly failed state inspection for numerous and mostly very minor issues. It has the 2.9L injected engine with 5 speed manual transmission and the hubs are manual. I don't know the history of it but I suspect it was previously wheeled and possibly wrecked. The front end appears newer. According to CarFax everything shows up 100% perfect. It has been registered in 8 different towns in PA but has never left PA. It came with a 2 inch suspension lift and 3 inch body lift and wearing a mix of 31x10.5 on the rear and 31x11.5 on the front. An aftermarket cold air intake was added and that appears to be the only modifications that have been made to it. My plans for it are first, correct the issues that prevented it from passing inspection and then set it up to be a daily driver. I am also considering putting a snow plow on it for the few winter storms we get. I have an electric/hydraulic Western plow setup on a rotting Ford F-250 pickup that will never pass another inspection.