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Sample Letter:
[Date of Letter] Representative [Rep. Name] I am sending this message to you to affirm my commitment to the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution and to demand that you cease all efforts to restrict the rights of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. I view this right as inalienable for the protection of my family, my life and my liberty, as well as lawful sporting purposes. I strongly urge you pass legislation that includes funding for firearm safety education in the nations public schools. An educated society will go a long ways towards reducing tragedies resulting from accidents caused out of ignorance. I participated in an event called 2ARMED (2nd Amendment Right Muster and Education Day), in which citizens from all over this nation gathered at firing ranges on the first Saturday in October and safely fired ten rounds each as target practice. We did this to punctuate our resolve in maintaining and defending our unalienable right to self defense as enumerated in the 2nd Amendment and as endowed upon us by our Creator. It is my intent to participate in a similar event each and every first Saturday in October. I'd like to personally invite you to join us at the shooting range for our next 2ARMED shooting event so you can come and have a good time with some of your constituents. I am including a photograph of myself and/or family as we exercised our rights, or some other memento from this event along with this letter. In addition, the photographs of myself, my family and friends as we exercised our rights will be available on-line in a "2ARMED Photo Gallery" on the internet at http://www.usa2076.com/2armed/gallery.htm in remembrance of what is required to retain our liberty. Please make it a point, as my elected representative, to visit that gallery. Sincerely, [Your Signature]
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