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Lies & HypocrisiesRosie O'Donnell to get a bodyguard for her kid - 05/26/00Rosie O'Donnell plans to send a bodyguard to accompany her 4-year-old son to kindergarten in the fall, citing threats made against her because of her support of gun control. The bodyguard has applied for a concealed weapon permit. Moms: Don't Let this Lie go
Unpunished A s Sierra Times predicted on the day of the march, wildly inflated numbers have been reported. Even the Washington Times, usually more balanced than most, reported the "organizers'" 500,000 figure. Victim disarmament proponent Charles Schummer reported 1.5 million "Moms" on the floor of congress tripling this figure, according to Robby Noel of American Freedom Radio Network in Colorado. On the "Million Moms" web site, a figure of 750,000 is boasted and money contributions sought. I called them "liars" by e-mail, and since they required a name, I used that of Monica Lewinsky of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.And undoubtedly, like Clinton's other lies, this will be retracted in time -- at a time when nobody cares anymore, and few are paying attention. At a time when such movements reach their goal - the disarmament of the victims -- and can no longer be undone. Others have written eloquently on the lies in the numbers of "children" killed by guns, and how even those inflated by including young gang members are less than those killed by drowning. Others have discussed the plain link to the Clintons --- Donna Dees-Thomases is Susan Thomases sister-in-law, and Susan is among the "supporters" of this "march." One cannot recall another protest at which that the President and First Lady attended or praised. But none of this can be proven as easily, as readily, or as quickly as the inflated numbers. Not that their lies surprise me, what surprises me is that even the better media are staying away from this issue. Not to mention the real Moms who were there. Hey Moms, do you want your children to lie like this? You know that there were not 750,000 people there. Is there not a one of you with the integrity to admit the truth? If anybody other than an F.O.B. were to boast numbers inflated by a factor of 20 while asking for money, he would be charged with mail fraud. There is now no doubt that our earlier estimate of 40,000 was close to accurate, and if in error was on the high side. Others report that our 7th St. placement of the tent was generous -- that it was between 5th and 6th, or even at 4th Street. As an attorney, I tend to give my adversary the benefit of the doubt, especially when the details do not affect the overall conclusion. The Sierra Times report has since been confirmed by other leading Internet news sites, Ether Zone and Free Republic. Both of them ran comparison photos between the 40K MM and the Promise Keepers, who really did put 300,000 people on the mall. You can see clearly that the Moms had only about 1/10 as many (if that). Free Republic reports that thousands of souvenirs, mostly cards to be sent to congress and bumper stickers, were left in boxes at 4th Street. This was an original report. Like Sierra Times, this reporter did his own investigation: Other factual reports (see below) corroborate Sierra Times, but with the exception of Ether Zone, Free Republic, and a few radio shows around the country, the glaring lies of the Clintons' strawmen (or women) are left ignored and unchallenged. Perhaps people think it is not that important. Two hundred thirty people did not die in a fiery plane crash as in Flight 800, nor more than 80 in a fiery Church as in Waco. It was just a demonstration and the organizers lied. So what? Here's what. After any march, there is arguing in the press about the numbers. Why is this one a hands-off even for those we thought were friends? We must suspect that the news folks have been warned to leave this one alone if they want to keep their jobs. We need to let them know that we, their audience and supporters, will not accept their refusal to deal with it. The radical left is losing. They are desperate to enact their agenda of victim disarmament and socialism, while the Atlas Shrugged mentality gets stronger with each passing month. They could not force socialized medicine down our throats or pass a ban on private gun show sales and raise the age for gun purchases last year. But pro-freedom crowds packed Montgomery (3,500) for the 10 Commandments, Indiana for the Indianapolis Baptist Temple (1,200) with only 4 days notice, and Columbia, SC (8,500) for the St. Andrews Cross. All this was done without any help from their controlled press. And of course, the Second Amendment Sisters -- without the $2,000,000 in sponsorship or the support of the controlled media -- had several thousand people on the Monument grounds on Mothers' Day and many thousand more around the country. Now the radical socialists will use their inflated numbers to make their false claim that the mothers of America want gun confiscation. Please do not ignore this just because nobody was killed last Sunday -- if they get their way, many thousands will die at the hands of criminals -- criminals with or without badges. Here are but a few of the radical socialist groups that are listed among its supporters, along with several city and county governments: Americans for Democratic Action Anti-Defamation League National Organization for Women National Education Association Handgun Control, Inc. For more, see Deb's Excellent Political Pages. Those who value their rights to bear arms as well as their right to know the truth should press this issue. At no event in recent history has the truth been learned so quickly, and so unequivocally, after the government has lied to us. This time the lie cannot withstand scrutiny. This time, our initial assessment (the May 14 report) has been supported by unbiased and reliable sources: The DC Metro (Public Transit Service) reported that rider-ship went up by only 80,000, from 170,000 to 252,000. It is inconceivable that 500,000 "Moms" would hit the city, and only increase ridership by that much, especially when boosted by 3-5,000 Second Amendment Sisters. Funny, but that statistic which came out on Monday cannot be found on the DC Metro web page as of this time . . .. DC Metro expected 600 busses to park at various Metro stations. At 50 persons per bus, that is (you guessed it) -- 30,000 people. "Approximately 600 buses are expected to transport event participants to town. Metro will allow these buses to park at the Greenbelt, Shady Grove, and Landover Metro Station lots. These stations as well as the Smithsonian Station are among the ones anticipated to have the heaviest use." From the DC Metro Web Site Please do not allow Clinton's strawmen to perpetrate this fraud on America and gun owners, especially. There were not 500,000, 750,000 or 1.5 million "Moms" at the 40K MM rally. There were 40,000 tops. The pictures that prove it are only a mouse-click away, as is a written description of DC on May 14. Sierra Times editorial on numbers: Please help us get the word out. Please call your local radio show, e-mail your representatives, quit any of the sponsoring organizations that you might have joined without knowing their politics, or anything else you can think of to force the Clinton shills to retract this lie. Sierra Times, Ether Zone, and the Free Republic cannot fight this battle alone. We need your help. Reprint permission
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