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The SECOND AMENDMENT SISTERS came about when a group of women decided they had enough - enough of the distortion, enough of the misrepresentation, enough of the reproach from the anti-Second Amendment crowd. Learning of the Million Mom March was the last straw! The Second Amendment is again under attack, this time from a group designed to garner sympathy from the public, and especially from the media. They have the backing of powerful anti-Second Amendment forces, such as Handgun Control Inc., who are determined to take the right to self-defense out of the hands of American families. Our mission is to counter the "Million Moms" with a strong showing of our own, to provide information and education to the public, and to keep our Constitution and Bill of Rights from being torn down any further. A FEW THINGS TO CONSIDER In a letter sent out in September 1999, Senator Robert Torricelli (D - NJ) opined that laws that "can save even a few lives" are "worth undertaking", implying that the greater good will be served if senseless deaths can be prevented. He quoted a figure of 34,000 gun deaths per year in the United States for emphasis. What Senator Torricelli and other anti-Second Amendment crusaders repeatedly neglect to mention is the number of lives that are saved every year by guns - between 1.5 and 2.5 million. The majority of defensive gun uses does not even involve the discharging of a weapon. Simply displaying the firearm, or firing a warning shot, is often enough to ward off an attacker, with less than 8% of these instances involving the wounding or killing of an assailant. By looking at the number of senseless deaths that guns prevent, it is obvious that the greater good is being served by having armed citizens. While we as a nation have focused on the numbers of children who have been victims of violence, we have forgotten that so many women - so many mothers - have been the victims of violence as well. A restraining order waved at an enraged "ex" has not been proven an effective means of self-defense; neither has a telephone receiver in ones hand. A Department of Justice survey found that about 4 in 10 inmates (40%) serving time in jail for intimate violence had a criminal justice status - meaning they were either on probation or parole or under a restraining order - at the time of the violent attack on an intimate (spouse, co-habiting partner, date). It is estimated that almost 1.5 million women (over 18) are raped and/or physically assaulted by an intimate partner annually in the United States. The D.O.J. Survey found that almost 52% of women at some time in their lives had been the victim of an assault. For increasing numbers of women, ownership of a gun, and knowing how to use it properly, are significant steps toward peace of mind and security. An estimated 17 million women now own guns, and that number is growing. If you are a woman who owns a gun, you have an equalizer. Since most assailants will be bigger and stronger than you, and almost 90% of those assailants will not have a weapon of their own, you stand a much better chance of getting away unscathed if you are armed. Isnt that your right? A nation without weapons, crime and hatred is an admirable goal, but hardly a realistic one. The world has become a smaller place thanks to television and the Internet, and the freedom we enjoy allows for a variety of images to play upon our screens. In a free society, it is incumbent on parents to guide their children through the confusion brought about by what they see and hear. It is quite simple - good parenting makes good kids. Parental vigilance ensures that children grow up with an ability to tell right from wrong, to distinguish fantasy and reality. Children who learn at an early age that guns are dangerous, and not toys or movie props, are more likely to give them the respect they require, and will be less likely to abuse a weapon. If we are willing to teach kids about safe sex in school to keep them from harming themselves irreversibly, why not teach firearms safety for the same reason? We dont need more laws. Virtuous people will obey laws. Violent criminals will not. Consequently, greater numbers of virtuous people, who abide by laws, are more likely to become victims of violent criminals - study after study has proven that gun control increases violent crime. In countries where extreme measures have been taken to "control guns" (such as Australia and England), the rates of all types of crime have gone up, proving that the stricter the law, the more of a disadvantage good people will face. Self-defense is everyone's right. Vigorous prosecution of and stiff sentences for violent criminals need to be the order of the day. THE BIG PICTURE There are those who will try to convince you that the Second Amendment is no longer necessary. Do they believe our government is perfect? Do you? An armed citizenry has proven the best deterrent to government abuse. There are too many examples of civilian disarmament followed by the heavy hand of oppression. The men who drafted our Constitution and Bill of Rights knew tyranny well; they had firsthand experience with it. Because of their foresight, we have enjoyed the freedom that has enabled us to become a great nation, where people are free to follow their own paths. To dismiss the concerns of our Forefathers as archaic would be unwise. Laws enacted under the guise of good intentions may result in the loss of our precious freedom. Government-sponsored safety comes with a price. Are you willing to pay? Visit the Second Amendment Sisters at: http://www.sas-aim.org
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