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Million Mom MarchMothers Day 2000
Official estimates are 1.2 million in attendance, and Million Mom March organizers said as many as 500,000 people descended on the National Mall on Mother's Day to support them, while Second Amendment Sisters said between 2,500 and 3,000 people had joined their demonstration near the White House. On Sunday protests by groups on both sides of the gun-control debate were conducted in cities across the nation. Protesters want trigger locksMillion Mom March organizers principally called on Congress to require trigger locks on all handgun sales and a national system that would require all handguns and their owners to be registered and licensed. The National Rifle Association did something odd last week, even by its standards. Responding to the Million Mom March in Washington for gun control, the N.R.A. presented television and newspaper ads in which its president, Charlton Heston, and an "N.R.A. mom" announced a new challenge program. "We're putting up the first $1 million to put gun-safety education in every classroom," said Heston. The N.R.A. mom added, "That's a million N.R.A. moms challenging a million more moms just like you." As for licensing handguns, anything that is licensed is not a right, and the American people have a clear, unquestionable right to own and keep firearms. When the government starts to license speech, press, assembly and religion, then you will know that you no longer live a free society. The gun has been a constant in American history, both in our Colonial period and in our national period. There would be no America without the gun. It is to us, our history and our culture what the sword is to Japan. Look at the phrases in our language derived from guns -- "lock, stock and barrel," "shoot your wad" and "hit the nail on the head." Yes, the last referred to a marksman hitting a nail and driving it the rest of the way into a board or a tree. That was a common target for shooting matches on the American frontier. Americans in those days were good shots. Their lives depended on it. The fundamental difference between a free society and an unfree society is an armed citizenry. No unfree society allows its citizens to be armed. Even today we can paraphrase Italian philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli and say that America and Switzerland are the most armed -- and the most free -- countries on Earth. Heed the Constitution not some overweight comedian. It's your liberty they are threatening. "Million Mom" organizer not ordinary momMillion Mom March organizer Donna Dees-Thomases, who was described by Time Magazine as "a typical housewife and mother of two" actually was a professional publicist and the sister-in-law of Hillary Clinton's political strategist. In several media interviews, Dees-Thomases stated that she attributed her crusade to watching footage of the children being led out of the California Jewish community center after a lone criminal gunman opened fire in the lobby. However, Dees-Thomases is currently on leave from CBS, where she works for David Letterman and previously worked for Dan Rather, which explains her media savvy and contacts. Lisa Schiffren, a member of the board of the Independent Women's Forum and full-time mother, stated the Million Mom March had "all the hallmarks" of a classic Clinton campaign. "As with health care in 1992, they are manufacturing a crisis where there is none," Schiffren said. Schiffren called the march a "White House put-up job" and noted that it would be very unlikely a novice could organize a major media event of this magnitude. "When you promote an issue that the Clinton administration, senatorial candidate Hillary Clinton, and presidential candidate Al Gore wish to raise during the election, the public should be made aware that the organizer jas close ties with the White House and the media," she said.
The above images compiled by Freeper Dan, frequent poster at Free Republic http://www.freerepublic.com
Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or rather its founders, recognized in a rational, intelligent manner that the cause of their grief was not the automobile. The killers of their children were human beings who drove the automobiles in a criminally reckless manner. They have been quite effective in persuading state legislatures to toughen the laws against drunken driving. The Million Mom March, however, ignored the problem -- the humans who used firearms to commit murder -- and focused instead on the gun, which, like the automobile, is an inanimate object incapable of acting on its own. Two explanations are possible. One, they are just ignorant and superstitious or, at best, thoughtless and ill-informed about their own country's history. Two, they know quite well what they are doing -- pursuing a hidden agenda to disarm the American people. Certainly any group that picks Rosie O'Donnell, a loud, beefy comedian who confuses volume with intelligence, is not exactly an advertisement for rational people engaged in a thoughtful debate. None of the people who have used guns to commit crimes, whether career criminals or the temporarily or permanently psychotic, would be affected one whit by new laws. Who can imagine that a person intent on violating the law against murder would be deterred by the prospect of violating a law involving possession of a firearm? Only the thoughtless. These women, organized by a friend of the Clintons, were just staging a political charade to further the Clinton agenda to gut the Second Amendment rights of the American people. When they piteously say that 13 children a day die, they conveniently forget that 85 percent of them are 15- to 20-year-old thugs, usually engaged in drug wars or turf battles. In fact, only 20 children younger than 5 died in firearms accidents in the last year for which numbers are available. Only 142 younger than 14 lost their lives in firearms accidents. That puts firearms accidents dead last as a threat to children in the accidents column.
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